User Guide for

Table of Contents

Event Dates

Event Photos

Photo Gallery

Homepage Photo Gallery


Event Dates

Event Dates are featured throughout the site, most commonly in the black horizontal bar seen on your Events, Past Events, and Upcoming Events pages.

Adding New Event Dates

  1. To add a new Event Date click the Add Dates link under the Event Dates section.

    Event Dates
  2. Fill in all of the relevant details in the Add Dates screen (be sure to include a title!). Most of this content will appear on the black horizontal bars on your Events pages, the only exception is the Description area, which only appears on Upcoming Events and on a single event's linkable page.

    Event Dates 2
  3. The Event Dates use two categories to differentiate between Upcoming Dates and Past Dates. These categories appear to the right of the event details in the Dates Archive box.

    Event Dates 3

    This is also how you move dates to the Past Dates section of the site, more on that later.
  4. Now you can upload the artwork for the event! In Wordpress these flyers/photos are called Featured Images, and can be uploaded via the Featured Image box (below the Dates Archive box).

    Featured Images

    A pop-up will appear to allow you to upload your image:

    Set Featured Image

    Once your image is uploaded hit the blue Set featured image button at the bottom of the pop-up:

    Set featured image
  5. Hit Publish and you're done! Note: Event Dates will appear in the order that they're published, so when adding dates add them in calendar order for better organization.

Editing Event Dates

  1. To edit an existing Event Date click on the Event Dates link under the menu of the same name.

    Event Dates
  2. This will bring up a list of your existing Event Dates (both Upcoming and Past), click on the date you'd like to edit.

    Event Dates listing

Changing an Event Date from Upcoming to Past

  1. Find and edit the event date by clicking on the Event Dates link under the menu of the same name.

    Event Dates
  2. To move an event from Upcoming to Past Events uncheck the Upcoming Dates box and check the Past Dates box under Dates Archive:

    Event Dates 3

    It's very important that you only have one of these boxes checked at any given time. Otherwise your date will appear on both sections of the site.
  3. Hit the blue Save button on the upper-righthand side and you're done!

Event Photos

Event Photos are only shown on your Past Events page. They act like self-contained galleries, and are able to display more than one image.

Adding New Event Photos

  1. Under the Event Photos menu click Add Event Photo.

    Event Photos Menu
  2. Adding an Event Photo is a lot simpler than adding an Event Date. Give it a title (this will appear beneath the Photos on the Past Events page) and click on the Add Media button.

    Add New Event Photos Screen
  3. Before you upload your images, there is a minimum size required for Event Photos. It's 230px x 320px or, for visual reference, exactly this size:

    Sample Size

    Event Photos can be larger than this size, or they can be wider than they are tall. The website will automatically resize them to fit. But they should not be smaller than this size.
  4. A pop-up will appear to allow you to upload your images:

    Set Featured Image

    Select all of your images and drag them to the window, Wordpress will upload them all for you and automatically turn them into a gallery!
  5. Pick one of your uploaded photos to represent the event. This will be the Featured Image. Once you've selected click the Set featured image button at the bottom of the window.

    Featured Images
  6. Hit Publish and you're done! Like the rest of the site, your Event Photos will be published in descending order, meaning the newest event will appear first.

Photo Gallery

Images in the Photo Gallery will only appear on the Photos page.

Adding New Photo Gallery Photos

  1. Under the Photo Gallery menu, click Add New Photo.

    Photo Gallery Menu
  2. This is exactly like adding an Event Photo, fill in the title (for your reference) and upload an image.

    Add New Photo
  3. There is a minimum size requirement for Photo Gallery images. 700px x 700px or, for visual reference, exactly this size:

    Photo Gallery Size

    As with Event Photos, your gallery image can be larger than this size. However, unlike Event Photos, your gallery image will be cropped to this size to fit. Cropping goes from the edges-inward, so if you upload a square image it will be cropped like this:

    Crop Example

    The center of the image will never be cropped. To prevent important parts of your photo from being cropped out, make sure they're centered in the photo.
  4. Click the Set featured image link.

    Featured Images

    A pop-up will appear to allow you to upload your image:

    Set Featured Image

    Once your image is uploaded hit the blue Set featured image button at the bottom of the pop-up:

    Set featured image
  5. Hit Publish and you're done!

Homepage Photo Gallery

Adding New Homepage Photo Gallery Photos

  1. See Photo Gallery instructions.


Occasionally a small problem may appear on the site, here are some basic instructions for correcting the problems.

The images in [section] look stretched and/or warped.

For some reason the website isn't showing your featured image sizes correctly. There's a tool on the site that will fix this, just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Tools menu and click Rebuild Thumbnails.

    Tools Menu
  2. By default all of the size boxes will be checked and the Only rebuild featured images box will be unchecked. Check & uncheck boxes so they match this image:

    Check and uncheck boxes to match this image
  3. Press Rebuild All Thumbnails and, over the course of a few minutes, your website images will be restored to their correct sizes.